How to Create Custom TagHelper in ASP.Net MVC 6?

To create a custom TagHelper in ASP.NET MVC 6, follow these steps:

1. Create a new class that inherits from the TagHelper class. For example:

2. Add a [HtmlTargetElement] attribute to the class to specify which HTML elements the tag helper should target. For example:

3. Override the Process method and modify the TagHelperOutput object as necessary to generate the desired HTML output. For example:

4. Build the project to compile the tag helper.

5. In the Razor view where you want to use the custom tag helper, add a @addTagHelper directive at the top of the file to reference the assembly that contains the tag helper. For example:

6. Use the custom tag helper in your HTML code by adding the tag name and any necessary attributes. For example:

When the Razor view is rendered, the custom tag helper will be invoked and modify the output as specified in the Process method.

For Check how can we to do using practically check this link:



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